Trust Level of Customers in the Logistics Industry

Customers have low trust in the logistics industry.

In the survey conducted in UTIKAD’s “Trends and Expectations in the Logistics Sector 2019”, 48.89% of the participants were “Medium”, 11.11% “Low ” and only 33% to the question of “how is the trust level of their customers towards the sector”. .33 of them gave the answer “High ”.

These results can be seen as a self-criticism and businesses operating in the logistics sector should take action to take both micro and macro measures about what they should do to gain the trust of their customers.

Lojistik Sektöründe Müşterilerin Güven Duygusu Seviyesi

Müşterilerin Güven Duygusu Seviyesi Oranlar
Çok düşük 2,22
Düşük 11,12
Orta 48,89
Yüksek 33,33
Çok Yüksek 4,44