TIRPORT, which digitalizes logistics management from end to end and among the ambitious logistics technologies in the world, has launched its sectoral information service TRInsights.
The data occur in the Turkish logistics industry, benchmark analyzes on the industry from around the world and in Turkey, reports from state organizations and industry associations will be published in the TRInsights.
We aim to be the reference point of the entire logistics industry and the academic world on this platform, where we intend to offer a very rich content.
What’s in TRInsights?
- Turkey road transport traffic density map (live)
- Turkey’s freight index broken down by region (live)
- Periodic comparisons and analyzes regarding the sector
- Infographics sounding the sector
- Reports published by various private and public institutions on the sector
- Important news, reports, reviews and analysis from the world and Turkey, concerning the logistics sector
- Articles from people leading the industry
- Data libraries containing anonymous data stacks and sets based on real data that can be used by students and academicians in academic studies.
- Open source library services to support artificial intelligence studies in the sector
- Providing deep learning infrastructures that guide artificial intelligence studies such as natural language processing, interpretation of text or visual content, development of recommendation systems, optimization of distribution systems for the sector.
Our goal:
TRInsights aims to facilitate the transition of the logistics sector and actors to industry 4.0, increase the productivity and profitability in the sector, increase the logistics capacity of the country vertically and horizontally, while making sense of the data in the sector and actively sharing it with the public.