Space Utilization for Group H in Istanbul (m2)

The “total area” used by the companies in the Group H business line in Istanbul is 4.68% of the overall Istanbul.

The total area used by the companies in the Group H business line in Istanbul is 4.68% of the overall Istanbul. 2.38% of the total area used by the companies in the Group H business line in Istanbul is the “Shelfed” storage area. The area used for “Management & Office” purposes by the companies in the Group H business line in Istanbul is more than the area used for the “Shelfed” storage area and the “Load Car Parking Lot” area.
The area used by the companies in the Group H business line in Istanbul for “Freight Car Parking Lot” is less than the “Passenger Car Parking Lot” area.

İstanbul'da Grup H İçin Alan Kullanımı (m2)

  İmalat İnşaat Grup H Perakende Ticaret Toptan Ticaret Konaklama ve Yiyecek Diğer Toplam
Yöntetim Büro 9.446.993 3.101.508 1.843.323 2.937.616 3.159.262 660.864 1.427.313 22.576.879
Toplam Üretim 27.680.763 1.273.929 1.686.728 3.042.441 3.707.673 1.461.494 5.607.338 44.460.366
Açık Depo 1.406.145 180.054 1.099.638 923.971 625.889 36.617 295.097 4.567.411
Kapalı Depo 6.456.136 726.085 2.533.464 5.450.827 131.192.354 527.021 473.543 147.359.430
Raflı Depo 459.033 58.677 389.025 1.374.163 711.848 56.595 101.146 3.150.487
Konteyner Depo 36.215 1.386 81.841 13.753 30.219 1.044 17.876 182.334
Soğuk Hava Deposu 102.030   134.193 61.807 32.601 60.087 6.133 396.851
Antrepo 31.729 144.812 402.103 38.477 62.043 3.701 1.663 684.528
Silo, Tanker, Bunker 12.177   14.515 66.016 40.386   1.489 134.583
Binek Araç Otoparkı 508.444 526.644 1.091.344 448.335 295.510 112.518 276.634 3.259.429
Yük Aracı Otoparkı 467.266 115.662 707.151 99.743 168.320 25.477 144.903 1.728.522
Toplam Alan 78.162.332 13.056.183 16.339.373 32.012.320 172.286.426 14.967.546 22.334.849 349.159.029

For other data that may be relevant to this data, see Total Warehouse Area in Turkey and Average Area (m2) Usage for Group H in Istanbul.

For the “Company Interviews” held within the scope of the Istanbul Logistics Master Plan, data were obtained from 45,815 companies (45,055 questionnaires and the rest were face-to-face interviews).

Group H: Transport and Storage

For this data, the fields used by a total of 508,135 companies were taken as basis. Silo, Tank, Bunker Area (279 companies), Container storage area (686 companies), Cold storage (7.325 companies), Warehouse (487 companies), Freight Vehicle Parking Area (3,832 companies), Storage area with shelves (34.310 companies), Passenger Car Parking Area (5,176 companies), Open warehouse area (9,627 companies), Management office (212,723 companies), Total Production (115,843 companies) and Closed Warehouse area (100.788 companies) * 19.267,315 for Other (Green area, Shared) m2 and 91,837 firms.