Number of Limited Companies in Group H by Size

The number of “micro” scale “Limited Companies” in Group H is decreasing.

In the period of 2009-2019, there is a decrease in the number of “Limited” companies with “micro” scale in Group H.

Şirket Büyüklüğü / Limited Şirket Sayısı 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2009-2019 Değişim
Türkiye Genel toplam 481.208 500.826 519.921 519.903 520.537 526.571 537.792 556.869 588.611 578.995 590.510 22,71%
Türkiye - Mikro 358.234 361.927 360.650 342.824 330.293 321.111 316.932 319.845 328.151 403.748 414.316 15,66%
Türkiye - Küçük 101.649 112.994 126.814 138.520 158.833 169.775 180.978 192.011 207.245 149.784 151.345 48,89%
Türkiye - Orta 19.056 23.060 28.688 33.885 27.888 31.742 35.415 39.796 46.654 23.120 22.590 18,55%
Türkiye - Büyük 2.269 2.845 3.769 4.674 3.523 3.943 4.467 5.217 6.561 2.343 2.259 -0,44%
Grup H Toplam 26.404 27.758 28.944 29.354 29.857 29.924 29.834 30.116 30.979 31.022 31.397 18,91%
Grup H - Mikro 20.296 20.847 21.011 20.297 20.194 19.447 18.726 18.417 18.472 22.371 22.401 10,37%
Grup H - Küçük 5.205 5.832 6.594 7.433 8.403 9.034 9.518 9.970 10.428 7.536 7.856 50,93%
Grup H - Orta 811 967 1.210 1.474 1.133 1.314 1.442 1.561 1.876 1.015 1.046 28,98%
Grup H - Büyük 92 112 129 150 127 129 148 168 203 100 94 2,17%

CBRT Real Sector Statistics, Sector Balance Sheets (2009-2019)
TURKSTAT, Annual Industry and Service Statistics, Sector Balance Sheets, 2019

These data belong to “companies keeping books on a balance sheet basis” (As of 31 December).

Group H: Transport and Storage
Micro-Scale Firms: An enterprise employing less than 10 employees per year and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 3 million Turkish lira.
Small-Scale Firms: An enterprise employing less than 50 employees per year and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 25 million Turkish lira.
Medium-Sized Firms: Enterprises employing less than 250 employees and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 125 million Turkish lira.
Large-Scale Firms: Enterprises employing more than 250 people and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet exceeds 125 million Turkish lira.