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The number of “large” scale “A.Ş” in Group H is decreasing.

In the period of 2009-2019, there is a decrease in the number of “large” scale “A.Ş” in Group H.

Şirket Büyüklüğü / Anonim Şirket Sayısı 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2009-2019 Değişim
Türkiye Genel toplam 57.873 58.805 59.619 61.534 68.628 77.781 87.920 98.258 109.827 113.029 118.497 104,75%
Türkiye - Mikro 24.803 24.322 23.601 23.689 26.573 30.384 35.177 39.388 42.711 55.069 57.820 133,12%
Türkiye - Küçük 16.362 16.190 15.976 16.034 21.347 24.093 27.215 30.401 34.522 34.897 36.662 124,07%
Türkiye - Orta 10.876 11.614 12.280 13.116 13.090 14.692 16.102 17.559 19.971 15.832 16.367 50,49%
Türkiye - Büyük 5.832 6.679 7.762 8.695 7.618 8.612 9.426 10.910 12.623 7.231 7.648 31,14%
Grup H Toplam 2.462 2.515 2.548 2.672 2.827 3.074 3.348 3.665 4.084 4.317 4.586 86,27%
Grup H - Mikro 969 950 944 951 1.017 1.109 1.173 1.253 1.400 2.018 2.116 118,37%
Grup H - Küçük 694 684 679 729 895 967 1.127 1.225 1.361 1.383 1.528 120,17%
Grup H - Orta 495 553 539 571 576 640 655 741 814 637 650 31,31%
Grup H - Büyük 304 328 386 421 339 358 393 446 509 279 292 -3,95%


These data belong to “companies keeping books on a balance sheet basis” (As of 31 December).

  • Group H: Transport and Storage
  • Micro-Scale Firms: An enterprise employing less than 10 employees per year and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 3 million Turkish lira.
  • Small-Scale Firms: An enterprise employing less than 50 employees per year and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 25 million Turkish lira.
  • Medium-Sized Firms: Enterprises employing less than 250 employees and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 125 million Turkish lira

  • Large-Scale Firms: Enterprises employing more than 250 people and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet exceeds 125 million Turkish lira.

  • A.Ş: Joint Stock Company

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