Number of Enterprises in the Logistics Sector

There are 240 thousand enterprises in the logistics sector.

There are 239,894 enterprises for Group H (Cargo) in 2021, and 45.13% of Group H (Cargo and Passenger) is for “freight purposes.” Between 2009 and 2021, the number of initiatives increased by 36.02% for Turkey and 51.22% for Group H (Load). Especially in 2021, there has been a huge increase in Group H-53.

Girişim Sayısı

Girişim Sayısı (adet) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2009-2021 Değişim
Türkiye 2.631.085 2.678.787 2.737.278 2.800.060 2.847.725 2.888.180 2.941.233 2.981.381 3.100.412 3.160.371 3.228.421 3.304.054 3.578.931 36,02%
Grup H (Yük ve Yolcu) 430.627 438.752 453.211 452.434 442.968 440.063 443.521 438.453 456.804 459.000 463.708 468.019 531.564 23,44%
Grup H (Yük) 158.642 160.920 172.863 160.846 153.752 153.638 155.423 158.721 164.481 168.758 170.805 180.191 239.894 51,22%
Grup H-49.20 10 10 12 12 13 13 15 14 14 c 20 23 23 130,00%
Grup H-49.41 146.625 148.270 159.826 147.345 139.229 138.409 140.017 143.077 148.556 152.198 152.901 153.771 165.641 12,97%
Grup H-50.20 856 1.078 1.018 927 938 891 880 858 866 880 852 810 828 -3,27%
Grup H-51.21 4 6 7 8 7 6 7 8 13 19 20 22 28 600,00%
Grup H-52.10 1.003 1.041 1.069 1.172 1.252 1.230 1.227 1.227 1.355 1.340 1.385 1.455 1.543 53,84%
Grup H-52.24 924 1.235 1.314 1.231 1.287 1.343 1.426 1.387 1.391 1.486 1.567 1.386 2.573 178,46%
Grup H-52.29 7.736 7.656 7.527 7.182 7.748 8.277 8.162 8.147 8.271 8.604 9.006 8.401 10.582 36,79%
Grup H-53 1.484 1.624 2.090 2.969 3.278 3.469 3.689 4.003 4.015 4.231 5.054 14.323 58.676 3853,91%

Between 2009 and 2021, the share of enterprises belonging to Group H (Load) and subgroups (except Group H-53, Group H 49.20) in Turkey has either decreased or not developed much.

Girişim / Türkiye

Girişim / Türkiye 2009 2021
Grup H (Yük ve Yolcu) / Türkiye 16,37% 14,85%
Grup H (Yük) / Türkiye 6,03% 6,70%
Grup H (Yük) / Grup H 36,84% 45,13%
Grup H-49.20 / Türkiye 0,0004% 0,0006%
Grup H-49.41 / Türkiye 5,57% 4,63%
Grup H-50.20 / Türkiye 0,03% 0,02%
Grup H-51.21 / Türkiye 0,0002% 0,0008%
Grup H-52.10 / Türkiye 0,04% 0,04%
Grup H-52.24 / Türkiye 0,04% 0,07%
Grup H-52.29 / Türkiye 0,29% 0,30%
Grup H-53 / Türkiye 0,06% 1,64%
  • Number of enterprises: The number of all units operating in the sectors and active in the reference period.
  • Group H: Transportation and Storage
  • Group H-49.20: Freight transportation by rail
  • Group H-49.41: Freight transportation by road
  • Group H-50.20: Transport of cargo in sea and coastal waters
  • Group H-51.21: Freight transportation by air
  • Group H-52.10: Storage and warehousing
  • Group H-52.24: Cargo loading and unloading services
  • Group H-52.29: Other activities supporting transportation
  • Group H-53: Postal and courier activities
  • Group H (Freight) = Logistics: 49.20 + 49.41 + 50.20 + 51.21 + 52.10 + 52.24 + 52.29 + 53
  • “52.21”, “52.22” and “52.23” in subgroup 52.2 (Supporting activities for transport) were excluded both because of the lack of data and because the vast majority of them relate to “passengers”.
  • 52.21-Service activities supporting land transportation: Most of them are related to passenger and vehicle towing. Regarding “cargo”, only 52.21.90-Other services supporting land transportation (including truck terminal management) BUT its number is not clear either.
  • 52.22-Service activities supporting waterway transportation: Only those related to “Cargo” 52.22.06-Operation of ports and waterways in support of waterway transportation (operation of ports, piers, docks, waterway pools, marine terminals, etc.) (lighthouse , excluding the operation of lighthouse buoys, etc.) BUT its number is also unknown.
  • c: In accordance with the article regarding confidential data of the Turkish Statistical Law No. 5429, information has not been provided because the number of enterprises is less than three or because one or two enterprises are dominant even though the number of enterprises is three or more, and in order to prevent information about hidden enterprises from being obtained as a result of arithmetic operations. . Hidden sector data are shown in totals of binary level sector codes for the sector and Türkiye totals.
  • 52.23-Service activities supporting air transportation: Only 52.23.03-Airport ground service activities (excluding cargo and baggage loading and unloading services) related to “cargo”, BUT the number of this is also unknown.
  • Group H-49.41: Since there is data for the “number of enterprises” in 2020, the average of the “49.41 / Group H” share (32.86%) for the years “2009-2019” was accepted as the number of enterprises of 49.41 in 2020. (468,019 X 32.86%)
  • Group H-52.24: Since there is data for the “number of enterprises” in 2020, the average of the “52.24 / Group H” share (0.30%) for the years “2009-2019” was accepted as the number of enterprises of 52.24 in 2020. (468,019 X 0.30%)
  • Group H-52.29: Due to the lack of data for the “number of enterprises” in 2020, the average of the “52.29 / Group H” share (1.80%) for the years “2009-2019” was accepted as the number of enterprises of 52.29 in 2020. (468,019 X 1.80%)