Maturity Breakdown of Long-Term Foreign Loans

The maturity of 29% of the “long-term” loans obtained by Group H from abroad is “61-120 Months”

The maturity of 29.12% of the “long-term” loans obtained by Group H from abroad is “61-120 Months” and this ratio is 21.99% for Turkey in general.

Yurt Dışından Sağlanan Uzun Vadeli Kredilerin Vade Dağılımı

  1 - 12 AY 13 - 24 AY 25 - 36 AY 37 - 60 AY 61 - 120 AY 120 AYDAN FAZLA Toplam
Türkiye 34.123.392.172 24.517.792.165 21.108.586.279 34.313.674.946 35.950.348.002 13.502.954.937 163.516.748.501
Türkiye % 20,87% 14,99% 12,91% 20,98% 21,99% 8,26% 100,00%
Grup H 1.564.433.165 992.460.304 1.975.308.382 4.449.510.196 3.956.707.055 651.484.970 13.589.904.071
Grup H% 11,51% 7,30% 14,54% 32,74% 29,12% 4,79% 100,00%
  • Group H: Transport and Storage
  • Long Term: Includes loans with original maturity longer than 1 year.
  • Long-Term Loans Obtained by the Private Sector from Abroad: Long-term cash loans obtained from abroad by private banks excluding public banks, non-banking financial institutions and non-financial institutions (excluding Public Economic Enterprises) and real persons, bond issuances abroad and financing forms of imports in return for goods and commercial loans with maturities longer than one year (365 days), which are formed according to other deferred payment methods except payment against goods with acceptance credits.
  • Maturity Distribution of the Loan Debt Obtained by the Private Sector from Abroad up to 1 Year: With the principal payments of long-term loans obtained from abroad by private banks, non-banking financial institutions and non-financial institutions (excluding Public Economic Enterprises) and real persons from abroad, excluding public banks, up to 1 year consists of the sum of the principal payments of the short-term loans of the mentioned institutions.