Long-Term Cash Loans by Company Size in Group H (TL)

In the 2009-2019 period, “Long-Term Cash Loans” in TL within Group H were mostly in “Large” companies. There is also a significant increase in “Small” and “Micro” companies.

TL Cinsinden Uzun Vadeli Nakdi Krediler (x 1.000 TL)

Şirket Büyüklüğü 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2009-2019 Değişim
Büyük 721.441 831.869 1.249.080 1.410.054 1.745.944 2.465.558 3.596.829 4.180.418 5.887.028 3.642.500 4.675.694 548,10%
Orta 619.449 503.113 1.470.233 1.670.655 2.149.711 2.585.591 2.984.529 3.279.991 4.476.721 4.913.393 3.317.397 435,54%
Küçük 769.297 1.152.510 1.703.073 1.891.115 1.076.772 3.212.059 3.452.432 3.387.757 4.056.857 4.127.576 4.265.526 454,47%
Mikro 455.713 541.677 697.887 691.227 768.074 746.383 768.326 729.349 801.261 1.305.318 1.230.094 169,93%
Toplam 2.565.900 3.029.168 5.120.273 5.663.051 5.740.501 9.009.591 10.802.116 11.577.516 15.221.866 13.988.787 13.488.711 425,69%

Source: CBRT Real Sector Statistics, Sector Balance Sheets (2009-2019) * Firms keeping books on balance sheet basis (As of 31 December)

Group H: Transport and Storage
(TL-UV-NK): Long Term Cash Loans in TL
Micro-Scale Firms: An enterprise employing less than 10 employees per year and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 3 million Turkish Liras.
Small-Scale Firms: An enterprise employing less than 50 employees per year and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 25 million Turkish Liras.
Medium-Sized Firms: Enterprises employing less than 250 employees and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 125 million Turkish Liras.
Large-Scale Firms: Enterprises employing more than 250 employees and each of which has an annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet exceeding 125 million Turkish Liras