DWTs of 300 GT and Above Ships According to Ship Types in Turkish Maritime Fleet

DWTs of ships carrying cargo “300 GT and above” are decreasing.

In the period 2010-2020, the DWTs of “cargo” ships of 300 GT and above in the Turkish Merchant Marine Fleet are decreasing.

This decrease; It is 38.7% for “Dry Cargo (General Cargo)” ships, 59.1% for “Bulk Cargo” ships and 30.6% for the general total. On the other hand, “Container” ships increased by 23.7% and “Liquid & Gas Tankers” increased by 16.9%.

Türk Deniz Ticaret Filosunda Gemi Cinslerine Göre Gemi DWT'leri (300 GT ve üstü)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2010-2020
Kuru Yük (Genel Kargo) 1.735.582 1.743.809 1.813.089 1.733.691 1.708.350 1.526.430 1.434.690 1.360.833 1.238.526 1.141.894 1.064.624 -38,7%
Dökme Yük 4.189.277 4.987.983 5.164.647 4.511.037 4.398.401 3.988.931 3.718.574 2.692.709 2.636.629 2.224.742 1.713.840 -59,1%
Konteyner 831.687 913.936 977.278 951.800 1.002.485 1.174.278 1.205.422 1.392.287 1.349.228 1.047.502 1.028.620 23,7%
Sıvı / Gaz Tankeri 1.858.180 1.952.551 2.139.694 1.857.270 1.775.112 1.716.788 1.739.669 2.322.259 2.005.482 2.067.911 2.172.958 16,9%
Toplam 8.614.726 9.598.279 10.094.708 9.053.798 8.884.348 8.406.427 8.098.355 7.768.088 7.229.865 6.482.049 5.980.042 -30,6%

For detailed information about Dry Cargo Ships, Bulk Cargo Ships, Container Ships, Liquid and Gas Tankers, you can visit https://armatorlerbirligi.org.tr/gemi-tipleri.

Gross Ton (GRT / GT): The volume of the ship in cubic meters under the main deck and the enclosed areas above the main deck. For detailed information, you can visit https://armatorlerbirligi.org.tr/hacim-ve-agirliklar.

Deadweight (DWT): Deadweight & Deadweight (tons) is the weight a ship can load until it reaches the allowable sinkage (main load line). For detailed information, you can visit https://armatorlerbirligi.org.tr/hacim-ve-agirliklar.