27% of the total DWT of the “300 GT and above” ships in the Turkish Maritime Fleet is “Bulk Cargo” ships.

The share of “Bulk Cargo” vessels among “300 GT and above” vessels in the Turkish Maritime Fleet for 2020 is 27.26%. This rate was 45.09% in 2016.

In the 2016-2020 period, the DWT of especially “load-purpose” ships and their share in the total fleet are decreasing in the Turkish Maritime Fleet.

300 GT ve Üzeri Gemi Cinslerinin DWT'i

  2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016-2020
Kuru Yük Gemileri 1.185.975 1.126.584 990.900 857.250 772.895 -34,83%
Dökme Yük Gemileri 3.718.574 2.692.709 2.636.629 2.224.742 1.713.840 -53,91%
Konteyner Gemileri 1.041.769 1.243.210 1.228.588 951.308 915.234 -12,15%
Konteyner / Kuruyük Gemileri 163.652 149.076 120.639 96.193 113.386 -30,72%
Ro-Ro Gemileri (Sadece Araç) 192.987 204.152 217.921 254.938 261.664 35,59%
Ro-Ro / Yolcu Gemisi (Feri) 64.023 60.593 61.843 62.918 59.094 -7,70%
Tren Ferisi / Ro-Ro 7.926 7.926 7.926 7.926 7.926 0,00%
Ham Petrol Tankerleri 300.544 615.450 615.450 614.904 617.527 105,47%
Akaryakıt- İşlenmiş Ürün Tankerleri 876.539 1.175.683 854.078 847.389 867.648 -1,01%
Kimyevi Madde Tankerleri 473.089 448.992 453.819 514.529 596.862 26,16%
Lpg / Lng Tankerleri 39.389 33.880 33.880 27.881 27.881 -29,22%
Asfalt Tankerleri 42.666 42.666 42.666 57.620 57.453 34,66%
Bitkisel Hayvansal Yağ Tankeri 518 518 518 518 518 0,00%
Su Tankerleri 2.677 2.677 2.677 2.677 2.677 0,00%
Feribot (Yolcu-Araba-Kuruyük) 11.688 11.405 10.801 10.726 10.995 -5,92%
Yük Amaçlı Gemiler 8.122.017 7.815.522 7.278.336 6.531.520 6.025.600 -25,81%
Yük Amaçlı Gemiler / Toplam 98,48% 98,30% 97,58% 97,14% 95,84%
Toplam 8.247.092 7.950.390 7.458.857 6.723.933 6.286.988

For other data that may be related to this data, DWTs of 300 GT and above Ships by Ship Types in the Turkish Maritime Fleet you can see the page.


Source : General Directorate of Maritime Affairs-Department of Maritime Trade Development, Fleet Statistics, DWT and Number Development of Turkish Maritime Fleet by Ship Types (300GT and Over Ships), 2016-2020


  • For detailed information about ship types, you can refer to https://armatorlerbirligi.org.tr/gemi-tipleri .
  • Gros Tons (GRT / GT): It is the volume in cubic meters below the main deck and the enclosed spaces above the main deck. For detailed information, see https://armatorlerbirligi.org.tr/hacim-ve-agirliklar .
  • Deadweight : Deadweight & Deadweight (tons) is the weight that a ship can load until it reaches the allowable sinking (main loading line). For detailed information, see https://armatorlerbirligi.org.tr/hacim-ve-agirliklar .
  • In total DWT, “Passenger Ships”, “Ferry (Passenger-Car-Dry Cargo)”, “City Lines Sea Bus – Passenger Only”, “City Lines Sea Bus-Passenger/Vehicle”, “Passenger Engines”, “Recreational Passenger” Ships – Passenger Only”, “Recreational Passenger Ships-Passenger / Vehicle”, “Fishing Vessels”, “Tugboat”, “Service Ships”, “Scientific Research Vessels”, “Sea Vehicles”, “Floating Dock / Crane”, “ Commercial Yacht”, “Private Yacht” are included.

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