Average Vehicle-Km by Vehicle Type and Age Groups

LCV (Light commercial vehicle) and Trucks make an average of 16,871 KM and 42,791 KM annually.

Vehicles LCV and trucks for the period 2015- 2018-KM, Turkey has increased the total vehicle-km per year in general and vehicle-km is even decreasing.

Could this decrease be due to the decrease in commercial activity?

Average Vehicle-KM by Vehicle Type and Age Groups

2015 2016
Number of vehicles Vehicle-km (million) Average year-Vehicle km (million) Number of vehicles Vehicle-km (million) Average year-Vehicle km (million)
Total Vehicle 18.253.588 251.006 13.751 19.273.842 280.993 14.579
Pickup 3.255.299 55.192 16.954 3.442.483 61.430 17.845
Truck(1) 804.319 33.968 42.232 825.334 37.747 45.735
Pickup / Total 17,83% 21,99% 123,30% 17,86% 21,86% 122,40%
Truck / Total 4,4% 13,5% 307,1% 4,3% 13,4% 313,7%

Average Vehicle-KM For 2017 & 2018

2017 2018
Number of vehicles Vehicle-km (million) Average year-Vehicle km (million) Number of vehicles Vehicle-km (million) Average year-Vehicle km (million)
Total Vehicle 20.320.624 304.207 14.970 20.916.610 306.926 14.674
Pickup 3.642.625 67.969 18.659 3.755.580 63.360 16.871
Truck(1) 838.718 42.032 50.114 845.462 36.178 42.791
Pickup / Total 17,93% 22,34% 124,64% 17,96% 20,64% 114,97%
Truck / Total 4,1% 13,8% 334,8% 4,0% 11,8% 291,6%

Number of Vehicles 2015-2018 Change

Number of vehicles 2015-2018 Change Vehicle-km 2015-2018 Change Average year-Vehicle km 2015-2018 Change
14,6% 22,3% 6,71%
15,4% 14,8% -0,49%
5,1% 6,5% 1,32%

It also includes heavy tonnage cargo vehicles (tractors, tankers, etc.) Vehicle-Km: (x 1,000,000) and It is the unit of traffic measurement obtained by the movement of a motor land vehicle over a distance of one kilometer.
Pickup truck: A motor vehicle with a maximum allowable loaded weight not exceeding 3500 kg and manufactured to carry loads.
Truck: A motor vehicle with a maximum allowable loaded weight of more than 3500 kg and manufactured to carry loads.
Tractor: It is a motor vehicle that is manufactured to tow trailers and semi-trailers and does not carry loads.
Among registered motor vehicles; Cars, minibuses, buses, pickup trucks, trucks (including tankers and tractor-type vehicles) and motorcycles are covered, but special purpose vehicles and tractors are not covered.
It is calculated using administrative records compiled from the odometer records of cars, minibuses, buses, pickup trucks, trucks and motorcycles that come to vehicle inspection stations, and covers the domestic and international kilometers traveled by vehicles registered to traffic in Turkey.