Average DWTs of 300 GT and Above Ships by Ship Types in Turkish Maritime Fleet

The average DWT of cargo-carrying “300 GT and above” ships is increasing.

In the 2010-2020 period, the average DWT of 300 GT and above “freight” vessels in the Turkish Merchant Marine Fleet is increasing.

This increase; 11.4% for “Dry Cargo (General Cargo)” ships and 0.8% for “Bulk Cargo” ships, 54.6% for “Container” ships and 42.8% for “Liquid & Gas Tankers”.

Türk Deniz Ticaret Filosunda Gemi Cinslerine Göre Ortalama DWT (300 GT ve üstü)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2010-2020
Kuru Yük (Genel Kargo) 3.662 3.710 3.924 3.914 4.039 4.125 3.996 4.087 4.061 4.064 4.079 11,4%
Dökme Yük 39.521 43.374 44.910 42.962 43.549 47.487 47.674 44.143 43.223 41.976 39.857 0,8%
Konteyner 11.881 13.056 13.573 13.219 13.547 15.055 16.742 18.564 19.275 18.377 18.368 54,6%
Sıvı / Gaz Tankeri 10.867 11.554 13.127 11.394 11.914 11.759 12.251 16.828 14.428 15.666 15.521 42,8%

For detailed information about Dry Cargo Ships, Bulk Cargo Ships, Container Ships, Liquid and Gas Tankers, you can refer to https://armatorlerbirligi.org.tr/gemi-tipleri .

Gros Ton (GRT / GT) : It is the volume in cubic meters below the main deck and the enclosed spaces on the main deck. For detailed information, see https://armatorlerbirligi.org.tr/hacim-ve-agirliklar.

Deadweight (DWT) : Deadweight & Deadweight (tonnes) is the weight that a ship can load until it reaches the allowable sinking (main loading line). For detailed information, see https://armatorlerbirligi.org.tr/hacim-ve-agirliklar.