Net Sales by Company Size for Group H

37% of “net sales” for the Group (Logistics & Freight) are made by “big” companies.

As of the 4th quarter of 2019, the majority of “net sales” for the Group (Logistics & Freight) are made by “medium” and “large” companies.

Grup H'de Şirket Büyüklüğüne Göre Net Satışlar

2019-4 itibariyle Net Satışlar (Bin TL) Mikro Küçük Orta Büyük Toplam
Grup H - 492 11.907 212.094 305.321 191.610 720.932
Grup H - 494 9.467.617 32.799.988 23.745.046 27.297.097 93.309.748
Grup H - 502 436.962 3.254.169 7.267.201 10.499.118 21.457.450
Grup H - 512 19.720 221.149 757.764 1.268.058 2.266.691
Grup H - 521 471.865 1.675.705 1.550.853 2.194.245 5.892.668
Grup H - 532 306.849 834.105 733.279 8.159.328 10.033.561
Grup H (Lojistik & Yük) 10.714.920 38.997.210 34.359.465 49.609.456 133.681.050
Grup H 23.036.124 67.343.654 58.930.715 298.928.292 448.238.785
Tüm Sektörler 402.632.941 1.427.664.883 1.541.824.217 4.406.516.019 7.778.638.060

Source : CBRT Real Sector Statistics, Sector Balance Sheets (2009-2019)

These data belong to “companies keeping books on a balance sheet basis” (As of 31 December).

Group H : Transport and Storage
Group H-492 : Freight transport by rail
Group H-494 : Freight transport and transportation services by road
Group H-502 : Freight transport in sea and coastal waters
Group H-512 : Air freight and space transportation
Group H-521: Storage and warehousing
Group H-532 : Other postal and courier activities
Group H (Logistics & Freight) : Group H-492, Group H-494, Group H-502, Group H-512, Group H-521, Group H-532
Micro-Scale Firms : Enterprises employing less than 10 people per year and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 3 million Turkish Liras.
Small-Scale Firms : Enterprises employing less than 50 employees and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 25 million Turkish Liras.
Medium-Sized Firms : Enterprises employing less than 250 employees and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 125 million Turkish Liras.
Large-Scale Firms : Enterprises employing more than 250 employees and each of their annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet exceeds 125 million Turkish Liras.