Company Type for Group H in Istanbul

The companies in Group H business line in Istanbul are 5.53% of the companies in Istanbul.

The companies in the Group H business line in Istanbul are 5.53% of the companies in Istanbul, 54.07% of them are “individual property”, 29.73% are “Limited Companies” and 13.39% are “Joint Stock Companies” type.

İstanbul'da Grup H için Şirket Türü

Ferdi Mülkiyet Adi Ortaklık Kolektif Şirket Komandit Şirket Limited Şirket Anonim Şirket Kooperatif Diğer Toplam
İmalat 58.995 1.197 176 79 31.478 6.601 32 661 99.219
İnşaat 17.595 499 73 25 13.187 3.339 115 228 35.061
Grup H 15.559 141 19 9 8.555 3.853 219 422 28.777
Perakende Ticaret 165.947 1.795 264 84 37.019 11.975 21 1.891 218.996
Toptan Ticaret 33.003 456 191 53 25.980 5.339 0 154 65.176
Konaklama ve Yiyecek 44.405 1.000 20 11 8.335 2.941 79 598 57.389
Diğer 9.961 193 0 9 3.767 1.527 12 265 15.734
Toplam 345.465 5.281 743 270 128.321 35.575 478 4.219 520.352

For other data that may be relevant to this data Types of Companies by Size in Group H , Number of Company Types in Group H by Size , Number of Employees in Firms in Group H by Size , Number of Companies in Group H by Size and Type , Number of Joint Stock Companies in Group H by Size , Number of Other Company Types in Group H by Size , Number of Cooperatives by Size in Group H , Number of Limited Companies in Group H by Size , Types of Companies in Group H , Number of Companies and Employees in Group H, and You can refer to the Company Types pages in Group H.

For the “Company Interviews” held within the scope of the Istanbul Logistics Master Plan, data were obtained from 45,815 companies (45,055 questionnaires and the rest were face-to-face interviews).