Change in Loans Used in Group H by Company Size

The biggest change in the 2009-2019 period was “Long Term Cash in FX (FC-UV-NK)”, “Short Term Cash in FX (FC-KV-NK)”, “Long Term Non-Cash in TL” of “Large” companies. (TL-UV-GNK)” and “Long Term Non-Cash (TL-UV-GNK)” loans.

Grup H - Şirket Büyüklüğüne Göre Bütün Krediler (2009-2019 Değişim)

Şirket Büyüklüğü (TL-UV-NK) (TL-KV-NK) (YP-UV-NK) (YP-KV-NK) (TL-UV-GNK) (TL-KV-GNK) (YP-UV-GNK) (YP-KV-GNK)
Büyük 548,10% 474,11% 2262,57% 1758,54% 1563,88% 376,25% 2326,06% 582,33%
Orta 435,54% 270,75% 477,69% 453,86% 1335,67% 521,10% 57,06% 333,34%
Küçük 454,47% 466,98% 1002,77% 445,02% 1065,95% 336,12% 709,57% 316,25%
Mikro 169,93% 336,35% 927,11% 1622,36% 422,37% 120,07% 394,46% 113,85%
Toplam 425,69% 408,31% 2163,82% 1592,36% 1286,27% 383,77% 1506,11% 543,49%

Source: CBRT Real Sector Statistics, Sector Balance Sheets (2009-2019)
* Companies that keep books on a balance sheet basis (As of December 31)

Group H: Transportation and Storage
Non-Cash Loans: Letters of Guarantee, External Letter of Guarantee and Letters of Credit
FC: Foreign Currency (converted to TL)
(TL-KV-NK): Short-Term Cash Loans in TL
(TL-UV-NK): Long-Term Cash Loans in TL
(FC-KV-NK): Short-Term Cash Loans in Foreign Currency
(YP-UV-NK): Long-Term Cash Loans in Foreign Currency
(TL-KV-GNK): Short-Term Non-Cash Loans in TL
(TL-UV-GNK): Long-Term Non-Cash Loans in TL
(YP-KV-GNK): Short-Term Non-Loans in Foreign Currency
(YP-UV-GNK): Long-Term Non-Cash Loans in Foreign Currency
Micro-Scale Companies: Businesses that employ less than 10 people annually and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 3 million Turkish Liras.
Small-Scale Companies: Businesses that employ less than 50 people annually and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 25 million Turkish Liras.
Medium-Sized Companies: Businesses that employ less than 250 people annually and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 125 million Turkish Liras.
Large-Scale Companies: Businesses that employ more than 250 people annually and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet exceeds 125 million Turkish Liras.