Car Ownership for Group H in Istanbul

59.60% of the companies in the Group H business line in Istanbul are “vehicle owners” and 73.90% of them use “own” vehicles.

59.60% of the companies in the Group H business line in Istanbul are “vehicle owners”, while 73.90% of them use “own-owned” vehicles, while 26.10% use vehicles through “outsource”.

While Group H uses its own “own property” vehicles the most (73.90%) among the companies in Istanbul for freight transportation, Group H’s outsourcing for this purpose (26.10%) is the least among the companies in Istanbul.

İstanbul'da Grup H İçin Araç Sahipliği

Araç Sahipliği Öz Mal Dış Kaynak
İmalat 38,00% 33,90% 66,10%
İnşaat 26,90% 30,30% 69,70%
Grup H 59,60% 73,90% 26,10%
Perakende Ticaret 25,50% 15,70% 84,30%
Toptan Ticaret 34,40% 22,80% 77,20%
Konaklama ve Yiyecek 19,60% 19,10% 80,90%
Diğer 23,20% 31,40% 68,60%

For the “Company Interviews” held within the scope of the Istanbul Logistics Master Plan, data were obtained from 45,815 companies (45,055 questionnaires and the rest were face-to-face interviews).

Group H : Transport and Storage