Share of TEP in Turkey by Type of Transportation

23% of the total energy consumed throughout Türkiye belongs to “road” transportation.

The total energy consumed in 2021 (Thousand TOE) is 30,562 Tons for the transportation sector, including pipelines, and 28,809 Tons for road transportation.

The share of transportation in the total 123,144 tons of energy consumed in all sectors in Turkey in 2021 is 24.82% and the share of road transportation is 23.39%.

Of the 30,347 tons of energy consumed in the transportation sector, excluding pipelines, in 2021, 98.66% was oil, 0.22% was natural gas, 0.76% was bioenergy and 0.371% was electricity. NOTE: In 2016, in EU countries, 93.6% was oil, 0.4% was natural gas, 4.4% was bioenergy and 1.4% was electricity.

Of the 28,809 tons of energy consumed in road transportation in 2021, 98.97% is oil, 0.23% is natural gas, 0.80% is bioenergy, and of the 217 tons of energy consumed in railway transportation, 48.52% is oil and 51% is .48 of which is electricity.

Of the 135 tons of electricity consumed in 2021, 82.61% is in railway transportation and 17.39% is in pipe transportation.

Taşımacılık- Enerji Tüketimi - Bin TEP (Bin Ton Petrol Eşdeğeri)

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2021 1990-2021 Değişim
Türkiye Sektörler (Bin TEP) 42.219 50.219 60.966 69.991 79.203 99.007 113.017 123.144 191,68%
Taşımacılık  (Bin TEP) 8.723 11.077 12.007 13.849 16.314 24.936 26.971 30.562 250,37%
Taşımacılık / Türkiye 20,66% 22,06% 19,70% 19,79% 20,60% 25,19% 23,86% 24,82%  
Taşımacılık - Demir yolu (Bin TEP) 238 276 270 285 184 209 194 217 -8,90%
Taşımacılık - Demir yolu / Türkiye 0,56% 0,55% 0,44% 0,41% 0,23% 0,21% 0,17% 0,18%  
Taşımacılık - Deniz yolu (Bin TEP) 158 226 195 411 541 189 412 368 132,35%
Taşımacılık - Deniz yolu / Türkiye 0,37% 0,45% 0,32% 0,59% 0,68% 0,19% 0,36% 0,30%  
Taşımacılık - Hava yolu (Bin TEP) 311 924 1.034 1.368 956 1.405 722 954 206,41%
Taşımacılık - Hava yolu / Türkiye 0,74% 1,84% 1,70% 1,95% 1,21% 1,42% 0,64% 0,77%  
Taşımacılık - Kara yolu (Bin TEP) 8.015 9.651 10.508 11.785 14.416 22.833 25.472 28.809 259,42%
Taşımacılık - Kara yolu / Türkiye 18,99% 19,22% 17,24% 16,84% 18,20% 23,06% 22,54% 23,39%  
Boru Hatları Hariç Taşımacılık (Bin TEP) 8.723 11.077 12.007 13.849 16.096 24.636 26.801 30.347 247,90%
Boru Hatları Hariç Taşımacılık / Türkiye 20,66% 22,06% 19,70% 19,79% 20,32% 24,88% 23,71% 24,64%

Thousand TEP (Thousand Tons of Petroleum Equivalent): Petroleum ton conversion of the sum of Oil and (Natural Gas + Electricity + BioEnergy)