Motor Vehicles by Age Group (2020)

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65% of Trucks and 51% of LCV (Light commercial vehicle) are 11 Years and older.

In 2020, 65% of the “trucks” registered to the traffic and 51% of the “LCV (Light commercial vehicle) ” were “11 years old and over”.

This situation can create a negative effect in Turkish economy. Traffic safety, vehicle maintenance and other costs (fuel consumption, air pollution, etc.) are some of the reasons.

Distribution of vehicles registered to the traffic by age group

Turkey LCV (Light commercial vehicle) Truck
2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020
0-5 Years 5.956.656 25,72% 5.978.075 24,76% 899.281 23,68% 896.204 22,75% 144.295 17,09% 127.893 14,88%
6-10 Years 5.238.214 22,62% 5.628.842 23,31% 1.046.443 27,56% 1.035.869 26,30% 163.105 19,31% 174.825 20,34%
11-15 Years 4.398.488 18,99% 4.215.949 17,46% 1.018.319 26,82% 991.148 25,16% 172.304 20,40% 161.950 18,84%
16-20 Years 1.903.879 8,22% 2.238.908 9,27% 326.130 8,59% 430.428 10,93% 79.657 9,43% 93.379 10,86%
21+ Years 5.659.738 24,44% 6.083.083 25,19% 506.746 13,35% 585.083 14,85% 285.120 33,76% 301.623 35,09%
Total 23.156.975 24.144.857 3.796.919 3.938.732 844.481 859.670
11 years and above 11.962.105 51,66% 12.537.940 51,93% 1.851.195 48,76% 2.006.659 50,95% 537.081 63,60% 556.952 64,79%