University Graduates

Transportation and Storage sector is not the first choice of graduates from departments related to Logistics.

In the 2014-2019 period, 16.82% of the graduates of the %22International Trade%22 department, which may be directly related to %22logistics%22, preferred the %22IP%22 sector as their first job.

While 21.49% of the graduates of the “International Trade” department chose the “Wholesale and Retail Trade” sector as their first job, 16.82% preferred the “IP” sector as their first job (“UD” means 2nd grade of graduates of this department. ‘th choice).

There is no “UD” sector among the top 5 choices of graduates from any other department, including “Industrial Engineering”.

In the 2014-2019 period, the majority of graduates from the departments of Pilotage and Naval Engineering, which are directly related to the UD sector, preferred the IP sector.

İlgili Bölüm Mezunlarının Girdikleri İlk İşlerinde İstihdam Edildiği Sektörler

1 Pilotaj  95,45% 36 Maden Mühendisliği  1,67%
2 Gemi Mühendisliği  51,41% 37 Kimya  1,64%
3 Uluslararası Ticaret  16,82% 38 Malzeme Mühendisliği  1,63%
4 Teknik Eğitim  9,43% 39 Sosyoloji  1,59%
5 Uçak Mühendisliği  5,85% 40 Biyoloji  1,57%
6 Bankacılık ve Sigortacılık 5,83% 41 Kimya Mühendisliği  1,45%
7 Siy. Bil. Kamu Yön. Ulus. İliş.  5,00% 42 Sosyal Hizmetler  1,44%
8 Çalışma Ekonomisi  4,60% 43 Sağlık Yönetimi  1,41%
9 İşletme  4,48% 44 Kentsel Tasarım ve Peyzaj Tasarımı  1,39%
10 İktisat  4,36% 45 Biyoloji  1,37%
11 Ekonometri 4,14% 46 Felsefe  1,37%
12 İstatistik  4,14% 47 Psikoloji  1,30%
13 Endüstri Mühendisliği  4,00% 48 Güzel Sanatlar  1,27%
14 Maliye  3,72% 49 Bilgisayar Mühendisliği  1,22%
15 Turizm 3,71% 50 İç Mimarlık  1,18%
16 Jeofizik Mühendisliği  3,47% 51 Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği  1,15%
17 Yabancı Diller 3,19% 52 Harita Mühendisliği  1,07%
18 Antropoloji 3,11% 53 Konservatuvar  1,06%
19 Arkeoloji 3,02% 54 Endüstriyel Tasarım  1,03%
20 Ziraat ve Tarım  2,96% 55 İnşaat Mühendisliği 1,02%
21 İletişim  2,72% 56 Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı 1,02%
22 Otomotiv Mühendisliği 2,72% 57 Tekstil Mühendisliği 1,00%
23 Gıda Mühendisliği 2,59% 58 Beslenme ve Diyetetik  0,86%
24 Su Ürünleri  2,47% 59 Hukuk  0,69%
25 Çevre Mühendisliği 2,19% 60 Matematik  0,69%
26 Sağlık Hizmetleri  2,16% 61 Mimarlık  0,67%
27 Jeoloji Mühendisliği 2,03% 62 Öğretmenlik  0,61%
28 Tarih  2,01% 63 Psikolojik Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik  0,53%
29 Petrol Mühendisliği  1,96% 64 İslami Bilimler  0,49%
30 İmalat Mühendisliği  1,81% 65 Odyoloji  0,45%
31 Fizik  1,80% 66 Fizyoterapi  0,42%
32 Makine Mühendisliği  1,78% 67 Eczacılık 0,29%
33 Spor Bilimleri  1,78% 68 Hemşirelik  0,27%
34 Coğrafya 1,70% 69 Diş Hekimliği  0,09%
35 Veterinerlik  1,68% 70 Tıp  0,03%

UD : Transportation and Storage
This study was carried out using the information of students who graduated from a 4-year program between 2014-2019. AO Faculties and graduates over the age of 35 were not included in the analysis.
Sector Distribution : It is the sector in which the graduates of the relevant department are employed in their first job.
TECHNICAL EDUCATION : Printing Technologies, Computer Science, Computer Technology and Information Systems, Information Systems and Technologies, Information Technologies, Home Economics, Customs Management, Air Traffic Control, Aviation Electrical and Electronics, Business Informatics, Logistics, Logistics and Transportation, Logistics Management, Civil Air Transportation Management, Technology and Information Management, Aircraft Electrical-Electronics, Airframe-Engine, Airframe-Engine Maintenance, Management Information Systems
INTERNATIONAL TRADE : Transport and Logistics, International Finance, International Finance and Banking, International Entrepreneurship, International Business, International Business Management, International Business, International Business and Trade, International Logistics, International Logistics and Transportation, International Logistics Management, International Trade, International Trade and Finance, International Trade and Finance, International Trade and Finance, International Trade and Business, International Trade and Logistics, International Trade and Logistics Management, International Trade and Marketing, International Trade, Logistics and Business Administration
PILOTAGE : Pilotage, Pilot Training