Ships of 150 GT and Above According to Ship Types in Turkish Maritime Fleet

The number of %22150 GT and above%22 ships carrying cargo is decreasing.

In the 2010-2020 period, the number of 150 GT and above “load-purpose” ships in the Turkish Maritime Fleet is decreasing.

This decrease; It is 44.4% for “Dry Cargo (General Cargo)” ships, 56.6% for “Bulk Cargo” ships, 20% for “Container” ships and 18.8% for “Liquid & Gas Tankers”. It is 37.6.

Türk Deniz Ticaret Filosunda Gemi Cinslerine Göre Gemi Adedi (150 GT ve üstü)

  2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2016-2021 Değişim 2021 % Pay
Kuru Yük Gemileri 311 292 262 236 215 187 -39,87% 9,11%
Dökme Yük Gemileri 80 64 64 56 46 45 -43,75% 2,19%
Konteyner Gemileri 51 57 55 43 42 42 -17,65% 2,05%
Konteyner / Kuruyük Gemileri 21 18 15 14 14 11 -47,62% 0,54%
Ro-Ro Gemileri (Sadece Araç) 25 26 26 27 28 28 12,00% 1,36%
Tren Ferisi / Ro-Ro 8 8 8 8 6 6 -25,00% 0,29%
Ham Petrol Tankerleri 2 4 4 4 4 4 100,00% 0,19%
Akaryakıt- İşlenmiş Ürün Tankerleri 94 93 94 89 92 93 -1,06% 4,53%
Kimyevi Madde Tankerleri 59 55 54 52 53 55 -6,78% 2,68%
Lpg / Lng Tankerleri 7 6 6 5 5 6 -14,29% 0,29%
Yük Amaçlı Gemiler 658 623 588 534 505 477 -27,51% 23,23%
Yük Amaçlı Gemiler / Toplam 33,73% 31,17% 29,04% 26,38% 24,60% 23,23% -31,11% 0,01%
Toplam 1.951 1.999 2.025 2.024 2.053 2.053 5,23% 100,00%

For detailed information about Dry Cargo Ships, Bulk Cargo Ships, Container Ships, Liquid and Gas Tankers, you can refer to
Gros Tons (GRT / GT): It is the volume in cubic meters below the main deck and the enclosed spaces above the main deck. For detailed information, see .