Reasons for Not Innovating in Group H

The reason for “not innovating” in Group H is that there is no “reason for innovating”.

The most common reason for %22not innovating%22 in Turkey and in Group H is %22No reason to innovate%22. Could it be that startups think there must be an “external compulsion” to “innovate”?

Yenilik Yapmama Nedenleri

Gruplar Yenilik faaliyetinde bulunmayan girişimlerin yenilik yapmama nedenleri (2014-2016)
Yenilik Yapmayan Girişimler Yenilik yapmaya zorlayan bir nedenin olmaması Yenilik faaliyetini engelleyen faktörlerin fazlalığı 
Türkiye 38,47% 82,22% 17,78%
Grup H 52,46% 81,19% 18,81%

Source : TUIK Innovation Research-2106, Initiatives that do not innovate and the reasons for not innovating, 2014-2016

Group H : Transport and Storage