Loans Used by Small-Size Companies in Group H

In the 2009-2019 period, the highest increase in “small” companies in Group H was in “Long-Term Non-Cash” loans in TL.

Grup H - Küçük Şirketlerin Kredileri (x 1.000 TL)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Değişim
TL Nakdi Uzun Vade 769.297 1.152.510 1.703.073 1.891.115 1.076.772 3.212.059 3.452.432 3.387.757 4.056.857 4.127.576 4.265.526 454,47%
TL Nakdi Kısa Vade 318.011 409.702 559.730 760.017 1.076.772 1.448.458 1.542.169 1.659.406 1.505.235 1.848.221 1.803.056 466,98%
YP Nakdi Uzun Vade 64.890 66.715 132.070 94.255 54.917 129.419 146.039 185.278 187.189 488.801 715.593 1002,77%
YP Nakdi Kısa Vade 27.472 25.331 32.552 45.999 54.917 51.818 63.755 80.303 177.196 190.810 149.727 445,02%
TL Gayri Nakdi Uzun Vade 73.003 86.046 123.258 112.853 684.271 233.145 307.126 366.744 1.496.569 1.963.192 851.175 1065,95%
TL Gayri Nakdi Kısa Vade 268.146 310.389 353.035 573.586 684.271 665.568 850.160 621.463 862.767 1.349.614 1.169.445 336,12%
YP Gayri Nakdi Uzun Vade 24.486 26.472 32.040 32.862 85.509 68.932 76.600 174.611 178.159 324.310 198.232 709,57%
YP Gayri Nakdi Kısa Vade 51.438 45.113 49.110 57.388 85.509 100.470 112.927 95.335 128.942 291.979 214.112 316,25%
Toplam 1.596.742 2.122.278 2.984.867 3.568.076 3.802.939 5.909.870 6.551.207 6.570.898 8.592.914 10.584.504 9.366.866 486,62%

Source : TCBM Real Sector Statistics, Sector Balance Sheets (2009-2019) * Firms keeping books on balance sheet basis (As of 31 December)

Group H : Transport and Storage
FX : Foreign Currency (converted to TL)
Small-Scale Firms : Enterprises employing less than 50 employees and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed 25 million Turkish Liras.