Loans Used by Large-Scale Companies in Group H

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In the 2009-2019 period, the highest increase in “large” companies in Group H was in “FX-denominated Long-Term Cash” loans.

Grup H - Büyük Şirketlerin Kredileri (x 1.000 TL)

  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2009-2019 Değişim
TL Nakdi Uzun Vade 721.441 831.869 1.249.080 1.410.054 1.745.944 2.465.558 3.596.829 4.180.418 5.887.028 3.642.500 4.675.694 548,10%
TL Nakdi Kısa Vade 624.555 808.638 919.570 1.266.061 2.014.709 2.351.440 2.308.353 2.308.671 3.424.107 2.772.686 3.585.649 474,11%
YP Nakdi Uzun Vade 7.399.007 8.292.802 14.567.496 14.072.762 19.553.958 23.117.704 27.257.356 47.646.430 81.375.456 145.117.781 174.806.888 2262,57%
YP Nakdi Kısa Vade 809.109 725.718 1.132.714 1.210.724 872.847 1.261.614 4.006.545 5.621.847 4.675.859 10.612.967 15.037.639 1758,54%
TL Gayri Nakdi Uzun Vade 143.252 176.107 284.576 401.705 519.752 804.855 876.869 1.508.048 2.841.381 2.236.437 2.383.539 1563,88%
TL Gayri Nakdi Kısa Vade 449.672 604.772 746.461 1.020.478 821.172 1.065.433 1.260.166 1.292.834 1.632.634 2.210.676 2.141.549 376,25%
YP Gayri Nakdi Uzun Vade 602.374 829.811 1.718.683 1.601.706 2.538.794 1.859.519 2.589.182 4.531.607 7.943.314 11.155.706 14.613.948 2326,06%
YP Gayri Nakdi Kısa Vade 862.438 862.145 1.417.999 1.374.822 1.730.978 2.076.154 2.025.406 6.197.339 3.580.213 5.672.425 5.884.699 582,33%
Toplam 11.611.847 13.131.862 22.036.579 22.358.313 29.798.154 35.002.276 43.920.706 73.287.193 111.359.992 183.421.178 223.129.605 1821,57%

Source: CBRT Real Sector Statistics, Sector Balance Sheets (2009-2019) * Firms keeping books on balance sheet basis (As of 31 December)

Group H: Transport and Storage
FX: Foreign Currency (converted to TL)
Large-Scale Firms: Enterprises employing more than 250 employees and each of which has an annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet exceeding 125 million Turkish Liras