Fuel Consumption Share by Transport Types

The most quantity of fuel is used in “road” transportation.

In 2017, 30.565.439 tons of fuel were consumed in “road” transportation, 430.870 tons in “sea transport” and 1.129.055 tons of fuel in “airway” transportation, 95.14% of the total fuel consumption belongs to “road” transportation.

77.79% of the fuel consumed in “road” transportation is diesel, 13.35% is autogas and 8.86% is gasoline. (Fuel Consumption by Fuel Types in Road Transportation)

In the period of 2006-2017, total fuel consumption in “road” transportation increased by 0.5%. Despite such a small increase in fuel consumption in “road” transportation, there is a significant increase in the rate of “greenhouse gas” in “road” transport (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Share by Transport Type)

Despite the use of modern vehicles with “greenhouse gases” reduction characteristics (environmentally friendly engines) in the transport sector, the share of “greenhouse gases” emission within the sector is encreasing . Could the reason for this be that: especially the vehicles used in “road” transportation are old (the model) and there are more “repeated” and / or “return” transports in domestic transportation?

Fuel Consumption by Transport Type (Ton)

Fuel Consumption by Transport Type (Ton)
  Road Seaway Airway Total Road / Total Seaway / Total Airway / Total
2006 16.937.978 2.065.326 413.222 19.416.526 87,23% 10,64% 2,13%
2007 17.890.847 1.340.153 442.823 19.673.823 90,94% 6,81% 2,25%
2008 17.913.752 1.390.615 475.304 19.779.671 90,57% 7,03% 2,40%
2009 18.206.872 1.223.045 527.936 19.957.853 91,23% 6,13% 2,65%
2010 18.461.624 1.349.945 635.696 20.447.265 90,29% 6,60% 3,11%
2011 19.348.914 1.616.703 767.369 21.732.986 89,03% 7,44% 3,53%
2012 20.656.990 1.905.993 1.151.546 23.714.529 87,11% 8,04% 4,86%
2013 21.746.587 1.345.664 1.194.046 24.286.297 89,54% 5,54% 4,92%
2014 22.557.586 1.453.360 1.229.406 25.240.352 89,37% 5,76% 4,87%
2015 25.740.274 1.898.474 1.319.436 28.958.184 88,89% 6,56% 4,56%
2016 27.848.652 396.816 1.123.702 29.369.170 94,82% 1,35% 3,83%
2017 30.565.439 430.870 1.129.055 32.125.364 95,14% 1,34% 3,51%
2006-2017 Change 80,5% -79,1% 173,2% 65,5%