Fuel Consumption by Fuel Types in Road Transportation

Diesel is the most comsumed fuel in road transportation.

Of the 30,565,439 tons of fuel consumed in “road” transportation, 77.79% (23,777,421 tons) is diesel types, 13.35% (4,080,359 tons) is auto gas, 8,86% (2,707. 659 tons) are gasoline types.

There has been a significant increase in the use of “autogas” between 2006-2017.

Fuel Consumption by Fuel Types in Road Transportation

  Gasoline Diesel fuel Autogas Total Gasoline / Total Diesel / Total Autogas / Total
2006 2.639.183 12.748.190 1.550.605 16.937.978 15,58% 75,26% 9,15%
2007 2.490.410 13.394.174 2.006.263 17.890.847 13,92% 74,87% 11,21%
2008 2.227.657 13.574.538 2.111.557 17.913.752 12,44% 75,78% 11,79%
2009 2.186.708 13.714.924 2.305.240 18.206.872 12,01% 75,33% 12,66%
2010 2.075.247 13.896.876 2.489.501 18.461.624 11,24% 75,27% 13,48%
2011 1.978.542 14.728.382 2.641.990 19.348.914 10,23% 76,12% 13,65%
2012 1.855.361 16.106.772 2.694.857 20.656.990 8,98% 77,97% 13,05%
2013 1.860.358 17.159.304 2.726.925 21.746.587 8,55% 78,91% 12,54%
2014 1.921.762 17.797.416 2.838.408 22.557.586 8,52% 78,90% 12,58%
2015 2.097.248 20.573.789 3.069.237 25.740.274 8,15% 79,93% 11,92%
2016 2.736.482 21.970.270 3.141.901 27.848.652 9,83% 78,89% 11,28%
2017 2.707.659 23.777.421 4.080.359 30.565.439 8,86% 77,79% 13,35%
2006-2017 Change 2,59% 86,52% 163,15% 80,46%

In 2017, 30,565,439 tons of fuel were consumed in “road” transportation, 430,870 tons in “seaway” transportation and 1,129,055 tons in “airway” transportation.