FBI Internet Crimes Report 2020

According to the “Internet Crime Report 2020” prepared by the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center, crimes committed over the internet have reached a historical peak in the USA. The number and value of crimes committed online since 2016 are as follows:

ABD İnternet Üzerinden İşlenen Suçlar

Yıl Sayı Değer
2016 298.728 $1.5B
2017 301.580 $1.4B
2018 351.937 $2.7B
2019 467.361 $3.5B
2020 791.790 $4.2B

When the reasons for crimes committed on the internet in 2020 are examined, the top 5 reasons are as follows:

  1. Phishing
  2. Failure to Make Payment/Delivery
  3. Extortion / Extortion
  4. Personal Data Breach
  5. Identity Theft
FBI İnternet Suçları Raporu 2020

Phishing-related crimes have increased by 500% since 2016. This increase corresponds to 55% of the crimes in 2020.