E-Commerce Marketplaces Are Transforming Into Next Generation Digital Platforms

Now customers want everything location-based, real-time, instant and tailor-made; demand, location and time combine with artificial intelligence to create a new generation of marketplaces.

As of 2020, approximately 18% of world retail trade has turned into e-commerce. E-Commerce volume has exceeded 5 trillion dollars. The e-commerce market, which grows by an average of over 15% every year, is dazzling. Payment systems are also rapidly turning into pockets. Probably in a few years POS devices and plastic cards as we know them will be garbage. In 2040, 95% of payment of total trade is expected to be online.

Smartphones and apps continue to be an important part of our business. Today, location-based technologies, one of the most critical elements of personalized shopping that makes the difference, have started to come to the fore in digital marketplace models.

Location-based Marketplace applications pioneered by UBER and AirBnb are rapidly expanding. This new type of service delivery, called “UBERization”, shows itself in every field. Everything you can think of, from transportation to logistics management, from auxiliary services to technical services, from human resources procurement to food and beverage services, from second-hand sales to freelance services, from searching for real estate to looking for a locksmith will turn into location-based applications.

Today, location-based supply and demand of the service stands out as a very important customization criterion.

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