Age Status of Drivers in Istanbul

Drivers of freight vehicles in Istanbul are on average 40.3 years old.

Drivers of freight vehicles in Istanbul are on average 40.3 years old, and the average age increases as the vehicle size increases.

Araç Türü Şoför Yaş Durumu
Minivan 37,30
Panelvan 38,60
Kamyon + Römork 39,70
Kamyonet/Pikap 41,20
Kamyon 2 Dingil/6 Teker 41,80
Kamyon 3 Dingil/8 Teker 42,60
Kamyon 3 Dingil/10 Teker 42,70
Kırkayak 4 Dingil/12 Teker 43,00
Çekici (Römorksuz) 43,50
Çekici + Römork 43,60
Çekici + Çift Römork 44,50
Ortalama Yaş 40,30

For the “Field Study for Vehicle Counting” conducted within the scope of the Istanbul Logistics Master Plan, 25,190 surveys were conducted in 33 logistics centers and 468,620 vehicles (235,641 in the entry direction and 232,979 in the exit direction) were counted.