Turnover and Employment Share of Enterprises by Years of Establishment

Startups established in Group H “2016 and after” constitute 3.51% of Turkey overall.

As of 2020, the enterprises established in Group H in “2016 and later” are 3.51% of Turkey’s total, and these enterprises constitute 1.56% of Turkey’s total as “employment” and 0.66% of Turkey’s overall as “turnover”. is.

Kuruluş Yılı - Ciro ve İstihdam

Türkiye Grup H
  Girişim    İstihdam   Ciro Girişim    İstihdam   Ciro
1990 ve öncesi 6,39% 10,36% 15,18% 1,39% 1,28% 1,48%
 1991 - 1995 6,11% 9,77% 12,12% 1,33% 0,86% 0,46%
1996 - 2000 9,80% 15,53% 16,91% 1,91% 1,33% 0,80%
2001 - 2005 10,13% 11,76% 11,75% 1,71% 1,05% 0,53%
2006 - 2010 13,54% 14,70% 13,84% 1,74% 1,14% 0,55%
2011 - 2015 18,85% 16,49% 13,91% 2,33% 1,35% 0,69%
2016 ve Sonrası 35,00% 21,29% 16,23% 3,51% 1,56% 0,66%
Bilinmeyen 0,18% 0,11% 0,06% 0,02% 0,01% 0,00%
100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 13,9% 8,6% 5,2%

Group H: Transportation and Storage