The Effects of Technological Innovations on the Logistics Industry

Due to technological innovations, “investment costs” may increase in the logistics sector and SMEs may face “financial difficulties”.

According to the survey conducted within the scope of the “Trends and Expectations in the Logistics Industry 2019” Report prepared by UTIKAD, the effects of “Investment Costs Will Increase” and “SMEs Will Have Financial Difficulties” are very important.

Financial incentives should be given to “small” and “micro” Group H companies, especially within the scope of SMEs. Because the majority of operations in Group H in Turkey, this “small” and “micro” is operated by the companies. Otherwise, problems may occur in the Supply Chain digitalization processes.

The Effect of the Industry 4.0 and the Technological Innovations of it in next 10 years.

The Effect of the Industry 4.0  and the Technological Innovations of it in next 10 years. 
Increase in productivity with robotics and automation technologies. 84,44%
Service speed, quality and profit will increase 53,33%
As a result of the use of AI and automated sytems, unemployment rates will increase 44,44%
Investment costs will rise 37,38%
SMSE's will struggle financially 37,38%
Applications of Industry 4.0 will not add value to the field of logistics 6,67%